Thursday, February 28, 2013

For the love of G...-- Gardening

Because Spring is just around the corner, I want to start documenting my gardening adventures.

I've been ordering my seeds and bulbs and even came upon a site that sends out FREE seeds from Garden Hoard as long as you pay the postage. For garden enthusiasts, it's very exciting. Though it says allow up to 3 months for seeds to arrive, I'm hoping it will be a lot sooner....

I put my gladiolus bulbs in the ground but they were left overs from last year that I didn't plant so I'm not sure if they will be any good this year.


(photos from last year, via flickr)

I also started bok choi, brussels sprouts and lavender seeds for indoors.

I took the baby spider plants off the mother plant and will pot them over the weekend.

spider babies

There is new growth on my succulents!!! Just when I thought I had almost killed them all, a cutting I had for months just finally started to grow new leaves.
 I thought when the leaf shriveled, it died for good but when I pulled it out I saw the new leaves!

You can't really tell on this one but the leaf that is tilted, there is an itty bitty baby growing on there. 

I recently met another garden enthusiast and we will be swapping seeds/plants. So very excited for Spring. :)