Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shades of pink

I finally got around to cutting flowers for indoors.

Dahlias (dwarf version) and Zinnas.

Everything is in bloom. It's so beautiful. Now I can just sit back and finally enjoy it. 


  1. I LOVE this new blog of yours, as I love plants as well. BOOKMARKED! I just came back to Oslo from vacation and almost all of my terrace plants were scorched. D; Luckily an orchid i set in a pan of water inside and everything in my little greenhouse survived.

    We have similar passions, us two!

    1. Thanks! Though I haven't really updated in a while... Sorry to hear your plants got fried! Same thing happened to my terrarium last summer when I thought it was a good idea to leave them outside on the hottest day. Fried babies :(

      take photos of your plants! I have been slowly adding to my collection. There will be an entry soon enough. :)
